Sunday, February 16, 2025

#CC18: 10 Days to Christmas

Last Saturday, I attended the Catalan Christmas Party in London, organised by several UK-based Catalan organisations.

One of the activities on offer was a short concert by the wonderful London Catalan Choir, and it was the first time I’d seen them perform.

Sure, I knew of them before Saturday, but until you hear them live you don’t know just how amazing they are. Let me tell you something: they earned themselves at least one new fan last week!

From the moment they started, I knew I wanted to include them on the Countdown to Christmas, so I took out my phone and started recording.

You’ve probably already seen a short clip or two, but this is the only song I managed to film all the way through: Regala Petons. The original featured on last year’s Countdown, and rather aptly is by the only Catalan artist I’ve seen performing live (so far).

Sure, the camera angle isn’t the greatest, and the audio recording really doesn’t do them justice (what do you expect from a phone?), but I’m sure you’ll still agree that they are a really talented group of singers!

And if my video is not good enough for you, you could always watch their own video of the performance. No, really, please do!

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