Sunday, February 16, 2025

Catalan Street Party tomorrow in London

If you go into central London tomorrow, look out for the sea of white.

No, I’m not talking about a wedding, but the Catalan Street Party organised by the England branch of the Catalan National Assembly (Assemblea Nacional Catalana, or ANC).

Starting in the shadows of St Paul’s Cathedral at midday, hundreds of Catalans will parade to Kennington Park, stopping at various points along the way to explain the ten foundation pillars of the proposed Catalan Republic: solidarity, innovation, the world, regional balance, culture and education, equality, democracy, social justice, diversity and sustainability.

The full route of the Catalan Street Party
The full route of the Catalan Street Party

Once at Kennington Park, there will be a short break for lunch, where those who are so inclined can purchase the traditional pa amb tomàquet & embotit, or bring along their own lunch from home.

After lunch, the organisers are offering a parents & kids obstacle course, The Great Catalan Bake Off, traditional sardana dancing with The Colla Sardanista de Londres and a human towers display by The Castellers of London.

The most important part of the day will commence at 16:45, with the formation of the human mosaic in the form of a giant arrow pointing towards Barcelona. This event is one of a number across the globe which constitute the ANC’s Gateway, pointing to the main Via Lliure in Barcelona on 11 September.

The white t-shirts available from ANC England
The white t-shirts available from ANC England

All those taking part in the human mosaic will be dressed in white, and will raise blue pointers at the symbolic time of 17:14. The white, which will also be worn in Barcelona, represents the blank canvas from which the proposed Catalan Republic would be drawn, with ten different colour pointers representing the ten foundation pillars referenced above. The arrows point to Barcelona, where a giant arrow will make its way along the Avinguda Meridiana on 11 September, reaching the Generalitat (the Catalan Parliament) and pointing the way towards the desired Catalan Republic.

I will be in London tomorrow, tweeting updates and photographs of the Catalan Street Party throughout the afternoon.

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