Thursday, December 5, 2024

Bring back Tommy!

A fellow exiled Gills fan has started a petition calling for the return of Tommy Trueblue to the MEMS Priestfield Stadium.

Tommy Trueblue
Tommy Trueblue

A petition to bring back the much-loved Gillingham Football Club mascot Tommy Trueblue has so far attracted over 150 signatures on the campaign website.

Directed towards Chairman Paul Scally, the petition reads:

The Return of Tommy Trueblue – Gillingham Football Club mascot

Please make the funds available for Tommy Trueblue to have a head transplant and return to Gillingham Football Club. The presence of Tommy at Priestfield was fun and enhanced the experience of watching the Gills.

It is time for him to return.


The horse has not been seen since 2014 and, after a short period of speculation as to his whereabouts, an official announcement was made (to quash rumours that he had been sold to Findus) saying that his head had become rotten and needed replacing.

Colin Hamer, who started the petition, has called “on Mr Paul Scally, Chairman of Gillingham Football Club and Tommy’s owner, to immediately make the funds available for the surgery Tommy desperately needs”, adding:

His treatment should be at the very best veterinary hospital in Dubai so that once again Tommy can trot along the touch line at Priestfield Stadium. The affect of this would be a boost to the morale of team and supporters so that we can gallop across the line to the Championship.

I fully and wholeheartedly agree that it is time Tommy Trueblue returned to Priestfield and, if you do too, please sign the petition here and let Mr Scally know just how much our loved horse is missed.

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